Archives de catégorie : Non classé

ArtSpeechMRIfr database

The ArtSpeechMRIfr database contains  real-time films ((rtMRI) as well as static magnetic resonance images (3D MRI)  of the vocal tract. The database contains also processed data: denoised audio, its phonetically aligned annotation, articulatory contours, and vocal tract volume information, which … Continuer la lecture

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Tracking speech articulators in MRI films

The extraction of the speech articulator  contours  from real-time magnetic resonance images is a nontrivial task due to the presence of artifacts manifesting in form of blurring or ghostly contours. In this work we present results of automatic tongue delineation … Continuer la lecture

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Examples of articulatory copy synthesis

This page shows a few examples of copy synthesized French utterances. The aim of copy synthesis is to simulate speech from films of the vocal tract. The geometry of the vocal tract is defined via an articulatory model derived from … Continuer la lecture

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Synthesis of voiced/unvoiced fricatives

The possibility to model a glotal chink is also important to simulate fricatives, and especially voiced fricatives [1]. Indeed, voiced fricatives require both a voiced source, generated by the oscillating vocal folds, and a sufficiently large volume velocity through the … Continuer la lecture

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Mucus influence on the vocal folds

Aim The production of voiced sounds is essentially linked to the auto-oscillation of the vocal folds. This phenomenon is the result of a fluid-structure interaction between the airflow coming from the lungs and the vocal folds’ elastic tissues (Figure 1). The … Continuer la lecture

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SIBILANT FRICATIVES : /s/, /f/, etc.

From a physics point of view, sibilant fricative sound production is generally described as noise produced due to the interaction of a turbulent jet, issued from a constriction between the tongue and the hard palate – i.e. the sibilant groove … Continuer la lecture

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